Monday, 17 September 2018

The unknown challenge of MS

The ones that do have multiple sclerosis can be a challenging disease. Our friends and family it can be the same,challenging. For the ones we don't know it can be an unknown disease. More and more often i get confronted with people that have no idea what MS actually is. Some never heard of it,and some don't really understand it. Sure there are people that know what it is ,but in generally i meet people that have no idea.

 I travel a fair bit between Europe and Australia and it's surprising to see that its a pretty unknown thing. I must say Australia and Amsterdam are quite informed with MS. But in contrary to the French,not so.
 Considering we live in 2018 you would think that MS would pop up a lot more then expected. Parkinson on the other hand most people know. Could this be due to Michael J Fox who has Parkinson? I am not saying this disease is not bad but merely just saying this because its not so well known as MS. It could be coincidence that the people i meet have no idea and someone else with MS may meet people all the time that knows our disease. Who knows?

 Then you have the people that don't believe you. Why is this? Would we really pretend to have MS? Why would we want to do this? Do we really make up all of pur symptoms and struggles as a lie?
Isn't it more about the people questioning us,because they are not capable of understanding such a complex disease and therefore judge us and disbelief? Not having the intelligence to  understand or just plain simple "being mean". I have no idea what reasons these people have to disbelief.

 I myself have had family members telling me that i have no MS,and that i use it for my own interests. This really hurts but at the same time it just confirms the stupidity and how a person can be so darn mean. The fact that we use this against us,is just plain stupid. There is no advantage of having MS,in fact nothing at all. No amount of money would i want to have MS. But i have no choice,the fact of the matter is i have MS and the MRI's prove it,let alone my MS neurologist and specialist confirming this.

 So to all of those that are unknown to this disease,please look it up and before you tell someone who has MS that they are faking it,please think again. You are hurting the ones that have this horrible ,challenging disease. Why? Maybe because you don't understand and its unknown to you but it does not give you a reason to say or act in this way.

 To all my MS readers i hope this does not happen to you,as we deserve better.

Please follow me :)
Mas x

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