Wednesday, 31 January 2018

Noise and Loudness

We all know the scenario of loud noises,busy pubs and hectic shopping malls. I am not sure when this issue became an issue for me,but somehow along my MS journey i noticed i got really overwhelmed in busy places. It just seems that my head feels full. Ready to explode. The need of thinking too much.

 Don't get me wrong i love social events. I  have noticed the last year that when it gets too hectic in my surroundings, i get overwhelmed. This be,talking to my husband or a  friend i really need to focus on the conversation. When it gets busy and a lot of other people are talking in a smaller space i find myself being totally exhausted with the conversation and feeling overwhelmed with the things around me.

 Friday or Saturday night you'll see me in my favourite Italian restaurant in Monaco. i love this place. It's got great food,great staff and a great vibe. The other thing it has is "noise". Yes the noise of people having fun and talking to each other. I seem to find myself in the back of the restaurant nearly every week. Why? Maybe because the staff think it's the best seat in town? I am not sure what the reason is,but when i follow the waiter to the back,i think "oh here we go'.
 All the people put all together in the back of the room can be very cozy but it can also cause some issues with people that have MS. Now don't get me wrong,i love the vibe like i said. I just don't like the overwhelming feeling i get. It's so noisy and everyone talking through each other that i find myself getting very tired. Then comes the clumsy issues that i get. candles swept off the table by my scarf or dropping knifes or forks. yes when i am overwhelmed and tired,i get clumsy. This also happens to be a MS trait but i try to laugh about it.

 I am sure others have this issue too,and after a little research it's also very common in people with MS. It's overload of information that we find hard to process in our brain. I don't know but it can be frustrating sometimes having to deal with this issue. I have probably mentioned this before,but i used to be a hairdresser and i never had to deal with this issue. In fact i was in a chaotic place  always for six days a week . So this new experience can get me quite upset sometimes.

 Does anyone else experience noise issues? Talking too loud? Please give me your feedback :)
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