Tuesday, 17 May 2016

Being strong

My above title is not how i feel.  Since of late,i am being told i am strong struggling through my MS. This is mostly by family and my husband. When this is said,i often feel a bit shy and lost for words. In my view i feel i have no choice with this illness . What else am i going to do? Sit back and let it take over my life? No. When they do say this i feel it's a great positive and makes me want to keep fighting. I am always thankful when my husband shows it in many ways but also him saying it gives me more strength.

 For myself i don't see myself that way at all. Firstly i am scared of those MRI's and i am way over due. I stress about this illness more often then not. Trying to do everyday tasks is a blessing if i get through them. But saying this i do my best to make things work and try to stay positive.

 I don't think you can get through this illness without being strong. There are so many uncertain things having MS. Not knowing what everyday brings. Can i function today? Can i walk today to get my drycleaning? Do i need to cancel my appointment? And the list goes on. Yet these simple words and kind gestures makes us keep going on. And i love my husband for doing this for me.

 I hope the people who do have MS or a chronic illness have a good support of family and help them to keep being strong.

Mas x

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